Collinsville Power Plant Project will deliver significant economic benefits to Queensland and will ensure affordable, reliable and secure energy supply for North Queensland.

what is the collinsville project

A world's first Flexible HELE Power Plant.

The Collinsville Power Plant Project is a proposed critical infrastructure project being developed by Shine Energy as a world’s first Flexible, High-Efficiency Low-Emission (HELE) Power Plant designed with high levels of operational flexibility to assist commercial and industrial customers in North and Central Queensland to access affordable energy supply arrangements and improve reliability.

The Project is proposed as a notional 1000MW coal power plant comprising three generation units that will be developed on Birriah country in the historic mining town of Collinsville, 87km south-west of Bowen, 1,144km north-west of Brisbane in Queensland.

Shine Energy has set clear targets to help Australia achieve Net Zero through a technology pathway and is leading the way in transitioning away from the older coal fired power plants by introducing the latest Flexible HELE technology with plans to incorporate innovative Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) technology.

Flexible HELE Technology has potential application in countries that are targeting emissions reduction but currently rely heavily on coal generation and have limited or no nuclear generation, hydro generation, or indigenous gas supply; that market includes India and a number of Southeast Asian countries. The international market has shown interest in our Project as a means to reduce their emissions through technological advancements.

Project location: Collinsville, Queensland. Australia
QLD Jobs During Construction
Permanent Ongoing Jobs
Regional Industry Output During Construction
QLD Household Income During Construction
Project benefits highlights

The Project is a win-win for Queensland offering a multitude of opportunities including the creation of over 6800 jobs during the construction phase and over 600 permanent jobs for the local region once operational. The Project will also create significant training and development opportunities

The town of Collinsville was once a thriving community of approximately 5000 residents, complete with all the necessary community infrastructure, including hospital, schools and housing to accommodate its population. Unfortunately Collinsville's population has declined to approximately 1800 residents. Our project holds the key to rejuvenating the community and bringing the town back to its former glory. By introducing innovative, low-emission technology and constructing the Collinsville Power Plant, we will not only provide employment opportunities in construction, installation, operations and maintenance but also serve as a catalyst for economic growth. Our goal is to attract new residents and businesses to Collinsville, breathing life back into the town and securing its future prosperity.

We envision a sustainable, thriving community where residents have access to all the necessary amenities for a fulfilling life.

In 1917, Collinsville was known as "Moongunya" which is a local Birriah Aboriginal name for coal until 1921 when it was renamed to Collinsville. The town was named after the local MLA Charles Collins who represented the Bowen electorate from 1915-1936.

In addition to job security and economic prosperity for the region, the Collinsville Project will ensure affordable, reliable, low to zero emission energy and provide energy security alongside the countless flow on economic benefits for the local region and wider Queensland.

The Project is being designed to ramp up and down and be placed on standby as directed by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), to stabilise the network and synchronise the intermittent flux of renewable energy operating throughout the National Electricity Market (NEM); however, it is being designed for continuous operation if requisite circumstances arise in the NEM. The Project will support the current uptake of renewable energy projects entering the NEM in North Queensland.

The Collinsville Power Plant will not only become the most efficient Power Plant in Australia's fleet but also the lowest emitting. Additionally, the lower emissions from the Power Plant make Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) a viable option to achieving a zero emission thermal Power Plant.

CCUS is an innovative emissions reduction technology that involves capturing the low amount of CO² from the powerplant before it enters the atmosphere and reusing it to create a value-added commodity. Technology has advanced rapidly in ensuring future CCUS projects have greatly improved capture rates, including zero emissions from coal.

Flexible HELE Technology is a viable option to address issues of ongoing supply security within the NEM as it transitions to a low carbon future. AEMO outlines an optimal generation mix for the NEM out to 2041 foreseeing the requirement for significant levels of firm generation for the next 20 years and most likely beyond. An energy mix including Flexible HELE is the optimal solution.

Since Australia's last coal power plant was built in 2009, there has been over 850,000MW of new coal power plant built across the world.
project status

Following the completion of the Pre-Feasibility Study which was completed under budget for Stage 1 and the Interim-Feasibility Study which was completed for Stage 2, work has steadily progressed on the Feasibility Study with finalisation anticipated for 2025.

The Covid-19 global pandemic has affected many of our stakeholders, leading to a ripple effect throughout the industry that has impacted timelines and budgets. Despite the challenges we have faced throughout the Feasibility Study that are outside of our control, we have remained steadfast in our commitment to the development of the Project.

We have effectively ‘de-risked’ the Project site which has no environmental or cultural heritage issues and have strong support from the local and regional communities. We are confident that the Collinsville Power Station will become one of the most operationally flexible coal plants in the world and able to provide ‘load following’ firm generation to support the maximum penetration of renewable generation.

fast facts
Shine Energy Pty Ltd
Collinsville Power Plant
Collinsville, Queensland
Local Government Area
Whitsunday Regional Council
Notional 1000MW (3 x 315MW)
State of the Art, Flexible HELE (High-Efficiency Low-Emission)
Stage 1 - Pre-Feasibility Study
Current Status
Stage 2 - Feasibility Study
Construction Period
3 years - Unit 1 (U1)
Workforce Requirement (U1)
700 full time at peak construction
Workforce Source Preference
Locally, regionally and across QLD
Workforce Accommodation
Construction camp, local housing
Plant Operation
30 years